AlliedHealth(Thailand) Co.,Ltd

On behalf of AlliedHealth (Thailand), I am sincere appreciate to Dr. Piriya Atisook (Deputy Hospital Director) and Dr. Sanguan Kunaporn (Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon) for welcoming us and facilitating an enlightening discourse on health and beauty destination,Phuket, a welcoming haven for the LGBTQ+ community. ARTEMES Health and Beauty Destination, Phuket: as for the background hence comes the concept of Make You a Real Me, i.e. a renewed and genuine self is made possible for each and every single service recipient at international medical standards and by professional nursing teams. If you are looking to feel more you, please contact us: ☎️ (+66) 06-4141-6198 ? Line OA : @325rwfwo WhatsApp : +66 64 141 6198